We are going to Retractor and speculum used in Gynecology surgery
Sims Vaginal Speculum
Two types of retractor by divided by the number of blades
Sims Double Bladed Vaginal Speculum
Sims Single Blade Vaginal Speculum
Used during gynecological exam or procedure

The blades in the retractors are unequal and used for vaginal examination and diagnostic procedure. The speculum with a groove to access the operation site. The size of the retractor may differ at each atraumatic end. The concave groove in the retractors allows the secretion and bleeds to drain out
Used in the examination of the vagina, cervix
Available in maximum all the trays and sets in Gynecology surgery and obstetric
According to the size of the cervix decide to use of the retractor by size.
Used in surgery like Dilatation and curettage, fractional curettage, prolapse surgery, and IUCD insertions
Cusco’s Bivalve self-retaining Vaginal speculum
The instrument with bivalve which holds of its own in the cervix around the transverse axis. The

adjustment by the screwing the screw present at the side of the retractors
To visualize the cervix and vaginal fornices for polyp and ectopic pregnancy.
Used to inspect the cervix and to take the diagnostic sampling
The self-retaining retractors to enhance surgeon preference and time-consuming.
Doyen’s Retractor
Used to retract the abdominal wall and bladder to expose the uterine segments
surgery like LSCS- Lower Segment Caeserian Segment and hysterectomy, lipoma excision, tumor excision and, etc.
Basic retractors like Langenbeck retractors, catspaw retractors, Deaver, and self-retaining abdominal retractors used in gynecology
Sims Vaginal Wall Retractor
The loop end with atraumatic serration on both side of the retractor. The Loop end make the oval shape inner circumference. Present in all the vaginal set along with sims speculum
Used to retract the anterior vaginal wall to expose the cervix
Used in the Dilatation and curettage procedures, sims operation for VVF-Vesicovaginal Fistula and fistula surgery.
otherwise called Anterior vaginal wall retractors
See here for Retractors in spinal surgery