Curette instruments used to remove the cartilage and tissue from the body
The types of curettes used in all the different parts of the body
Adenoid Curettes
To scrape and remove the adenoid tissue
Available in different size and length, both in pediatric and adult
Approximately 8 1/2 inches long with curette opening ranging from 6 to 21mm wide and 15 to 30 mm long
The angle of instruments designed straight types as well as the curved type for the use.
some of the curettes angled in different angles for the purposes
Also known as Barnhill curettes. Stubbs curettes, Vogel curettes
Vogel curette
Used in mainly in adenoidectomy
It also used as scooping cancellous bone for grafting
Also called as Bruns curettes
Bone curette
Remove debride tissue
For scoop tissue out of small areas and scoop cancellous bone for grafting
Angled or straight
open or cupped
available in the market in different sizes
Also known as Brun curettes
Dermal Curette
To Scarpe dermis
It has double end each have the adjacent hook end, which is cup-shaped.
Open, hook-shaped end, ring end, cup-shaped
3 to 6mm wide
Other Names
Fox dermal curettes Myle antrum, ring curette, Walsh dermal curettes
comes in Pediatric, adult sizes for use
Ear Curette
To scrape inner ear i.e., stapes to remove debris from the ear canal
To remove debris from the ear canal
It comes in double ended or single ended.
The end of the curettes with the oval-shaped sharp end, another end of the curette is round shaped blunt
Single or double ended oval or round cups shaped
blunt sizes 00 to 3mm
Also known as
Billeau curettes, buck curettes, ear loop, Shapleigh curettes
Uterine Curette
To Scarpe endometrial lining of the uterus to roughen up tissue in a non-healing wound to enhance secondary closure
To get the sample form curettes from the uterine wall and endometrial lining of the uterus
It is used for debridement of the non-healing tissue to make rough
To Scarpe Uterine cavity during post pregnancy and diagnostic purpose
Serrated cutting edge
open ring, 9 1/2 inches long
also known as Heaney uterine curettes
Curettes/Uterine cavity
Large, open ring blade
Also known as hunter curettes
It is available in the sharp and blunt end. Heaney Uterine curettes
Other types of curettes are hunter curette, hunter uterine curettes
It comes with a double ended. One end is with sharp and another is the blunt end