Operation theatre technologist MCQ


Tuberculosis is caused by

Correct! Wrong!

Bile is stored in ............

Correct! Wrong!

Duodenum is a part of ………………………..

Correct! Wrong!

Power house of a cell is ......... ( lysosome, mitochondrion, Golgi body, )

Correct! Wrong!

Functional unit of lung is .......

Correct! Wrong!

Blood group without antibody is ........

Correct! Wrong!

Example for granulocyte is ........

Correct! Wrong!

i) Pericardium a) Protein factory ii) Sebaceous gland b) Heart iii) Ribosome c) Skin iv) Amylase d) Large intestine v) Colon e) Salivary gland

Correct! Wrong!

The drug administered to the baby to reverse the effect of pethidine administered to the mother is

Correct! Wrong!

Syphilis is caused by the organism

Correct! Wrong!

The most common site of ectopic pregnancy is

Correct! Wrong!

The average birth weight of indian baby is

Correct! Wrong!

Goitre is a disease of the

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the organ damaged by uncontrolled hypertension?

Correct! Wrong!

_______________________ is the unit for frequency

Correct! Wrong!

____________ is a visible radiation of light that occurs while illuminating the tympanic membrane

Correct! Wrong!

_______________ is a device used for correcting the fibrillation of cardiac muscles

Correct! Wrong!

A semiconductor in an extremely pure form is known as

Correct! Wrong!

______________________ is called a suicidal bag in the cell

Correct! Wrong!


What is the name of serous membrane that covers thoracic cavity ?

Correct! Wrong!

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