Operation theatre technician MCQ based model test


What is the unit of pressure?

Correct! Wrong!

Which system act as a chemical communication and control system within the human body?

Correct! Wrong!

Basic principle behind ultrasound transducer is

Correct! Wrong!

Thermistor is made up of

Correct! Wrong!

Pneumotachomter is used to measure

Correct! Wrong!

The term anaesthesia means

Correct! Wrong!

An emergency procedure for people in cardiac arrest is

Correct! Wrong!

A capnography monitor is a device that measures level of

Correct! Wrong!

The process of removing all the microorganism along with their spores is called

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following laws is applicable for the behaviour of perfect gas

Correct! Wrong!

If every particle of fluid has irregular flow, then flow is said to be

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is the abbreviation for the element gold?

Correct! Wrong!

Voice is produced by vibration of

Correct! Wrong!

Human can hear sound within range

Correct! Wrong!

Lignocaine jelly is used for

Correct! Wrong!

What is the main role of tourniquet?

Correct! Wrong!

The most common position in gynaecology surgery

Correct! Wrong!

Which is chemical method of sterilization?

Correct! Wrong!

What is best position given for laminotomy surgery?

Correct! Wrong!


Which of the following procedure doesn't includes regional anaesthesia?

Correct! Wrong!

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