Audio and speech therapy MCQ mock Test

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 1800 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?


Which one of the following test is based on lateralization principle

Correct! Wrong!

In cochlear implantation are implanted in cochlea

Correct! Wrong!

Which one of the following is a test of speech audiometry?

Correct! Wrong!

Wax or Cerumen in ear canal results in type of hearing loss

Correct! Wrong!

Ear molds are useful in avoiding the feedback

Correct! Wrong!

Hearing loss without any organic problem in the ear is known as

Correct! Wrong!

Bilateral hearing loss refers to

Correct! Wrong!

Percentage of hearing diability required for the procurement of hearing aids free of cost under ADIP scheme

Correct! Wrong!

Absence of pinna is known as

Correct! Wrong!

Transducers used in cases of collapsing ear canals during air conduction testing are

Correct! Wrong!

The deepest portion of the auricle is known as

Correct! Wrong!

Participation of non test ear in testing of test ear is removed using procedure

Correct! Wrong!

Amplification device which uses magnetic signal to transmit the teacher speech to children ?

Correct! Wrong!

Hearing aid comprises of

Correct! Wrong!

Type of tympanogram is commonly seen in sensorineural hearing loss

Correct! Wrong!

Goal of aural rehabilitation is to

Correct! Wrong!

The cranial nerve responsible for sound conduction

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the appropriate treatment for sensorineural hearing loss

Correct! Wrong!

RCI full form

Correct! Wrong!

Which year the RPWD Act was enacted ?

Correct! Wrong!

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