Anaesthesia & Operation theatre mcq

Which of the following cellular organelles serves as the site of protein synthesis

Correct! Wrong!

The colour coding of bags used in hospitals to dispose of human anatomical waste such as body parts is

Correct! Wrong!

Cholecalciferol is synthesized in

Correct! Wrong!

which of the following is not considered the portal of entry for bacteria

Correct! Wrong!

Reactionary haemorrhage occurs

Correct! Wrong!

Surgical removal of the entire lung is called

Correct! Wrong!

Size of the endotracheal tube (inner diameter) for adult females is

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is an inhalational agent

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not route of administration

Correct! Wrong!

Polydioxanone (PDS) is absorbed within

Correct! Wrong!

Which is a sign of thrombocytopenia

Correct! Wrong!

How many stages of anaesthesia are there

Correct! Wrong!

At what angle an intramuscular injection should be given

Correct! Wrong!

In hospitals, the infectious non sharp waste i,e soiled bandage, dressings soiled cotton are disposed off

Correct! Wrong!

Name of the Instrument shown in the image

ETCO2 machine
Correct! Wrong!

Which is not a type of blood products ?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of these vaccines should be taken by all the hospital employees?

Correct! Wrong!

Name of the instruments shown in images

Devears retractor
Correct! Wrong!

Which of these is not shocking?

Correct! Wrong!


Commonly accepted blood grouping system in use?

Correct! Wrong!

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