Types of tracheostomy tube

For prolonged ventilation and delivering clear airway. Types of tracheostomy topics will cover all tube used

Upper airways obstruction due to laryngeal edema

Impacted foreign bodies

Laryngeal trauma

Vocal cord paralysis

Ludwig angina

Laryngeal surgery

Types of tracheostomy

The cuffed Portex tracheostomy tube
Jackson tracheostomy tube
Fuller tracheostomy Tube

Tubes categorized according to the presence of fenestration

1.Unfenestrated Tracheostomy tube

2.Fenestrated Tracheostomy tube

Cuffed tracheostomy tubes

The high volume and low-pressure cuffs. The flanges at both side of the tube. The tube with well cuffed and the pilot balloon at the distal end to inflation of the cuff.

To check the cuffs pressure check Cuff Pressure monitoring Machine

The cuff helps the patients by preventing aspiration and maintain the position of the tube for a long time.

For administration of prolonged ventilation during Anesthesia

Also, it helps to deliver the airway without any leakage. More trachea friendly with less injury.

Jackson tracheostomy tube
Jackson tracheostomy tube

Chevalier-Jackson tracheostomy tube

Made of special silver metal called German silver

The parts of the tube

The outer tube, Innertube, and Obturator

The flange with the hole for the tieing the tracheostomy

Outer tube with a lock mechanism for the inner tube and used for protection of the inner tube

Inner tube longer than the outer tube to blockage from the secretion and mucous plug, etc.

Obturator guides the insertion of the tracheostomy tube.

The speaking valve used along with the metal tube

contraindicated in Radiotherapy patients

Fuller tracheostomy Tube

Made of German silver metal

Inner tube, Outer Tube and obturator

Bi-flanged Outer tube and compressible tube. Inner tube longer than the outer tube with an opening in the posterior wall. The removal of secretion and obstruction

Inner tube act as the dilator and no needs of a tracheal dilator

Phonation possible in after decannulation.

The speaking valve can use with this type of tube. Regular checking of patency can also possible through the inner tube.

The specific complication of this tube include the flanges in the tube breaks and passes into the bronchus.

Trauma to tracheal wall and skin

contraindicated in Radiotherapy patients

Unfenestrated Tracheostomy tube

unfenestrated tube divided into cuffed and uncuffed types. Available in metal and polyvinyl chloride

Fenestrated Tracheostomy tube

called as Shiley tracheostomy tube

Tracheostomy Complication 

Injury to the trachea and tracheal stenosis

Surgical Emphysema

Blockage of the tube due to secretion and narrowing of the tube, this causes hypoxia


Tracheal ulceration

Trachea stenosis and dilatation

Care of Tracheostomy tube

Humidification using humidifier machine or Humidifier Moisture Exchange (HME)

Adjust the cuff pressure and maintain daily

Aseptic suctioning of secretion using a controlled suction machine or Negative Pipeline vacuum system

Change the tracheostomy for the on time to time

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