How to Measure ICP? 14 gauge Tuohy needle with stylet
Microsensor ICP transducer with a depth marking
Microsensor ICP transducer is a catheter with a microminiature silicon strain gauge type sensor mounted at one end and an electrical connector at the other end
Sensing element made of strain gauge silicon micro clip and catheter made of nylon. The drill used to open the access of intraparenchymal area to implant the sensor type
Pressure limit
-700 mmHg to +1250 mmHg
Subdural pressure monitoring
Measuring intraparenchymal pressure and Continuous Intracranial pressure monitoring
Measuring subdural pressure
ICP monitoring
Measuring subdural pressure
Compatibility of implantable catheter tipped pressure transducer with MRI has not been determined
Do not pull or check the catheter while removing
Adverse effects
Hemorrhage may occur at the site of the transducer
Possibility of subarachnoid hemorrhage of the brain
Intracerebral hemorrhage of the brain

Extracerebral hemorrhage of the brain
Infection and subcutaneous CSF leakage are the potential complications
ICP sensor must be zeroed at atmosphere pressure prior to implantation connect the sensor using appropriate manufacturing recommended cable
Zero the sensor by laying the tip of the transducer in the shallow pool of sterile water or sterile saline.
Press the zero on ICP monitor, make sure ICP sensor connected to the monitor
Do not submerge the tip of the transducer of the catheter vertically in a deep pool of sterile water.
Doing such a thing will improve a hydrostatic pressure on the transducer. The diaphragm that is higher than atmospheric zero, resulting in accurate zero reference
Record or note down the reference number for checking
Electrosurgical equipment causes damage to the ICP sensor
Single-use and do not resterilize for use
Exposure of electrostatic discharge energy
Using of defibrillator causes temporary or permanent disabling of the sensor
Do not use ESU on catheter site of placement
Read for silk suture
Inspection of the package before use carefully
Do not use or open if
The package or seal appears damaged
Sensors damaged inside the packs
After expiration date
Fungal growth or wet inside the pack
If the pack opened or damaged
Maintaining the aseptic precaution for the transducer placement
Placement of ICP sensor by the neurosurgeon in OR or ICU with proper sterile technique to avoid infection
Microsensor must be zeroed at atmospheric pressure prior to implantation
ICP sensor light and fine
Handle with proper care and technique for insertion
The sensor is light sensitive and avoids direct sunlight
Fine and delicate wired sensor fixed with suture in securely. Do not over tighten with suture.
Using alcohols solution of the sensor contraindicated this leads to inaccurate measurement
For better ICP value, position the sensor tip towards the cortex.