Fluid management indicated in a condition like dehydration: preoperative fasting, abnormal loss of fluid as in vomiting, Burns, Blood loss with blood products for Fluid Replacement Therapy for some of the indication
Body Temperature
Maintenance of fluid management and requirements
Fluid Loss
5 % loss of the fluid: Dry tongue and mouth change in color of the tongue into pale blue like appearance
10 % loss of fluid dry tongue lethargic child skin flaccid fontanelle sunken, tachypnea, tachycardia, low blood pressure, urine output diminished
15 % loss of the fluid child not responsive dry tongue loose skin fontanelle sunken thready pulse severe hypotension oliguria respiratory distress rise of body temperature
Laboratory studies
Hb %
Urea creatinine
The osmolality of urine and blood

Fluid replacement
Physiological saline
5 % albumin
Plasma electrolyte
Blood products
Maintenance of fluid requirement
First 10 kg body weight 4 ml/kg/hr
Second 10 kg body weight 2 ml/kg/hr
Excess of 20 kg 1 ml/kg/hr
Fluid Replacement Therapy
More than 10% of the estimated loss of blood volume results in blood replacement with milliliter for milliliter.
Replacement with crystalloid solution volume is calculated 3 to 4 times of loss
Management of Blood loss to estimate and corrected by the following methods
Fluid replacement
Manage with whole Blood and other products
Using the Cell saver machine in intraoperative Surgical procedures with a high risk.
see here for Ventilator