Certain condition and precaution for Transfusion of Blood in during surgery and when indicated as follows
Indication for Transfusion
Blood loss of more than 20% of blood volume
Hemoglobin level less than 8 gm% in patients with anemia
Low level of Hemoglobin in Ischemic heart disease
Screening test
The test for blood grouping and compatibility testing using ABO blood grouping
ABO-Rh blood grouping test and compatibility test
Cross-matching test
check the Viral markers like HIV, HbsAg+, HCV, etc in donor
Red Blood Cells
The volume of blood bag contains (180-230 ml bag)

Thalassaemia/Aplastic Anaemia/CHF/CRF Hb<9 gm/dl
Blood Loss > 15% of blood volume adults,>10% blood volume children
Systolic pressure<100mm Hg, heart rate>100/min with active bleeding
Platelets (40-50 ml bag)
Stored in room temperature at 4°C for up to 4 to 5 days
Platelet increment in stable adults-5000-7000/ul/bag/ transfused
Platelet count<20,000/ul (Non surgical)
Active bleeding and platelet count <50,000/ul
Platelet count <50,000/ul and surgery Consumption coagulopathy
Liver transplant
Massive blood transfusion (vol.transf. in 24 hrs. equals blood vol.of patient)
Fresh Frozen Plasma (150-200ml/bag) Prothrombin time >1.5 times control Activated PTT >55 sec. or >4 sec. of control, patient for surgery
It’s frozen after 6 hours of the collection
The volume of fresh frozen plasma- 225ml
FFP contains coagulation factors and plasma proteins
Massive blood transfusion Coagulation factor deficiency (<25% of normal) Exchange transfusion
Liver. transplant
Reversal of warfarin therapy
Antithrombin III deficiency and plasma
The volume contains in the bag 150-200ml/bag
Extensive surgery
Massive blood transfusion with RBC
Albumin (5° 0 100 m1)
Serum albumin <3gm/dl
Liver transplant
The volume contains in the bag (100 IU FVIII/bag)
One unit of Cryoprecipitate contains 80-145 unit of factor VIII and 250 mg of fibrinogen
Hemophilia disease
Dysfibrinogenemia Whole Blood/Reconstituted whole Blood (400 ml bag)
Blood loss >150 0 or blood volume adults >100 0 of blood volume children
Neonatal exchange
Before prescribing blood or blood products for a patient ask yourself
CPD- Citrate Phosphate Dextrose
Used as anticoagulants in blood preservation