Ag Aquacel Dressing Products used in the exudate management in surgical wounds and laceration.
Hydrofiber wound supports wound healing by creating a moist environment that helps to protect peri-wound skin and reduces maceration.dressing with Aquacel silver exuding chronic and acute wounds
1. Manges exudates
2. Micro contour to the wound bed, minimizing dead space where bacteria can grow.
3. Manages infection
4. It sustains antimicrobial agents
5. Maintain moisture in the wound bed
6. It minimizes the pain
Aquacel dressing with silver
Aquacel ag dressing in silver and ionic silver provides a rapid effective sustained antimicrobial activity even against certain antibiotics-resistants bacteria, superbugs the main disadvantage of these types of dressing is causing acute wound kills superbugs and other MRSA and VRE within few hours after applying.
Foam dressing
It’s simple dressing which enhances the wound healing process with an adhesive silicone border foam. Specially designed to adhere to surrounding skin and non-adhesive areas.
Aquacel Ag surgical
Aquacel Dressing a special type of dressing material to cover surgical Incision with a waterproof viral and bacterial barrier.
It minimizing infection and blistering. Its good comfort for patients for application after the dressing.
Aquacel Ag burns
It mainly designed for burns wounds
- Detaches itself as the burn heals
- It can be worn for up to 3 weeks
- Available in different shapes
- comfort to patients as well.
Aquacel surgical provides varieties of products like this in picture