Nursing officer MCQ based mock test

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 1200 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?


Feeling touchy or hypersensitive following an upsetting experience is a form of :

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is correctly arranged ?

Correct! Wrong!

Watson and Skinner both contributed to which school of psychology?

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The light passes through the eye in which of the following sequence ?

Correct! Wrong!

The behaviourists rejected introspection because:

Correct! Wrong!

The word “psychology’ comes from:

Correct! Wrong!

Another term for reinforcement is:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is the final destination for much of the brain’s information about emotion before action is taken ?

Correct! Wrong!

In Erikson’s theory, which psycho-social crises preceed and succeed Autonomy v/s Shame :

Correct! Wrong!

People with moderate mental retardation would have an IQ in the range of :

Correct! Wrong!

Freud emphasized the role of ________ in shaping people’s personality

Correct! Wrong!

Which school of psychology believes that it is impossible to objectively study the mind?

Correct! Wrong!

Receiving an electric shock would be an example of a ______ whereas being frightened would be an example of a ______.

Correct! Wrong!


A procedure that establishes a sequence of responses which lead to a reward following the final response and then working backwards is called

Correct! Wrong!

The scientific approach is more useful at answering questions about ______ than questions about ______.

Correct! Wrong!

Psychology is defined as the scientific study of:

Correct! Wrong!

The following instrument can not be utilized in the measurement of emotions :

Correct! Wrong!

______ is to nature as ______ is to nurture.

Correct! Wrong!

Most human behaviour:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following sequence is correct ?

Correct! Wrong!

Which memory is the result of instrumental/motor learning processes ?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is correct while comparing classical and operant conditioning ?

Correct! Wrong!

Which one of the following does not contribute to memory ?

Correct! Wrong!

The child’s increasing skill at using his muscles is due chiefly to:

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What is the role of positive and negative reinforcement ?

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