Ultrasound cleaner -Surgical instruments cleaning process

Ultrasound cleaner removes debris from instruments by a process called the cavitation process. Cleaner uses the ultrasound energy to clean the surgical instrument.

Ultrasound cleaner-Principle 

High-frequency sound waves generate through a water bath with the solution. Cavitation causes tiny air spaces trapped within debris to implode inwardly and this releases the debris from the surface of the instrument.ultrasound cleaner

The ultrasonic cleaner with recessed cavities is filled with a special enzymatic cleaner intended for use in the system.

Transducer from the cleaner that converts the Ultrasound signal into mechanical vibration at the ultrasonic frequency

How to use 

Ultrasound cleaner with the different cycles of the cleaning process. After washing the soiled instrument, place the instrument in the tray container and keep it inside the cleaner. Confirm the decontamination of the instrument with the solution.

Open all instruments with ratchets and box locks are fully exposed to the cleaning process.

Set the temperature from the control panel of the machine.

A neutral pH ultrasonic cleaner solution, mixed well for effectiveness reduces the surface tension of the solution and increases the ultrasonic cavitations process.

Use neutral pH solution

Time recommended: 10-15 minutes

Cleaning with set time and temperature

After the 30000 cycles per second remove the tray from the cleaner, dry it and send it for sterilization.

Ensuring that no moisture content that left in the instruments.


More efficient than hand cleaning

Automated and good performance

Completely remove all the debris and rust from the instrument without damaging the instrument

Easy to use and handle


Ultrasound does not decontaminate

It does not Sterilize instruments.

Surgical instruments damaged by ultrasound energy.

Don’t mix dissimilar metals (such as aluminum and stainless) in the same cycle. Because it can result in the electrolysis process and can cause corrosion of the instrument.

Note: The solution should be changed at least daily, or sooner if the solution appears dirty or change in color of the solution

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