Suction catheter in Anaesthesia

The suction catheter is used to clear or suck the secretion and mucus plug from the Bronchial tree and upper respiratory tract. In anesthesia with these main three suction catheters currently in use

Suction catheter in Anesthesia

  1. Yankauer suction tipyankauer suction

  2. Red rubber tube
  3. Single-use suction tube

Yankauer suction tip

Used in common abdominal surgery, caesarian surgery in the anesthesia for oral suctioning. The tip of the cannula with multiple holes for suctioning. Available in metal as well as single-use suction sets with tubing. The single used to reduce the risk of infection

Available both metal and plastic materials, mostly plastic with disposable suction set used to avoid infection to patients

Suction catheter- Red rubber tube

Red rubber tube made of rubber with an olive-shaped opening at the tip of the catheter. The color of the tube is reddish with different sizes.

Sometimes, a red rubber tube- used for urinary rubber tube

Single-use suction tube

Used during Rhinology, Laryngology, and Sinus procedures
Plastic suction tip with the smoothly rounded catheter tip
The sterile product, packed in an individual peel pouch. Used to reduce the infection to patients like HIV, HBsAg Positive.

Closed suction systemClosed suction system

The suction system is used in the Intensive Care Unit to avoid infection and patients connected to a ventilator. For more read Full Text on Closed suction system

Keywords: Red rubber tube, yankauer suction, disposable suction tube, single-use plastic, closed suction system, Suction catheter in Anesthesia

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