Forceps in Ophthalmology surgery

Forceps in Ophthalmology surgery

Forceps used to hold the tissue, suture and dressing materials. Also used in retraction of tissue, skin during dissection and suturing.

Types of forceps used in eye surgery mentioned below

Kelman-Mc pherson forceps

Suture tying forceps straight

Suture tying forceps curved

Lim’s corneoscleral forceps

Superior rectus holding forceps

Utrata capsulorhexis forceps

Toothed forceps

Plain fine forceps

Iris forceps

Mepherson’s IOL forceps

Pierce Hoskins forceps

Kelman-Mc pherson forceps

Non toothed forceps with smooth jaw and 5 mm angled long. The forceps also used to hold the IOL lens. These forceps especially used for suturing fine suture

Used for very fine suture-like 10-O suture

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